Category: News

  • Gorilla Tourism Promoting Conservation in Uganda

    Gorilla Tourism Promoting Conservation in Uganda

    The Mountain Gorillas of Uganda are the most threatened of all gorilla species. The total current population of the mountain gorillas is estimated to be not more that 900 individuals. Uganda hosts almost half of the world population of the mountain gorillas. The remnant population lives in the Virunga Volcanoes of Rwanda and the Eastern…

  • Travel Passion Tamed on Africa Safaris

    Travel may look expensive but it should be among every one’s life essentials because adventure opportunities seem not to end for those with nomad travel passion. Why not plan a visit to a place of you dream in Africa, is it hiking, gorilla adventure or wildlife safari? Rwanda is a small country with all you…

  • Africa – Explorers with Standards

    Getting off the beaten track in Africa doesn’t necessarily mean roughing it in the bush. There are some incredible lodges and hotels that, if you take the time to get off the tourist trail, can throw up unique experiences that few other people get to be a part of. Here’s three of our top ways…

  • Saving Big With Discount Airfare to Africa

    Whether it’s for business or pleasure, the cost of airfare can really add up. Many travelers are constantly searching for discount airfare prices before they take to the sky. The best way to find a bargain is to plan your trip on a budget. This will allow you to get the most out of your…

  • A Wild Country Grows in South Sudan

    The new country of South Sudan is blessed with oil, water, and a safari bonanza: one of the largest, most stunning animal migrations on earth. But without roads, laws, or infrastructure, can Africa’s youngest state turn potential into stabilizing profit? Patrick Symmes joins the adventure. Day one is Thursday, and we roll out of Juba,…