Abseil the Wonder Cave!

The Wonder Cave is the perfect place for both beginners and experienced climbers. There’s an excursion on foot into the Wonder Cave which is great because you get to travel at your own pace. You can also sign up for the Wild Cave Adventures which includes abseiling and rock climbing.

Wonder cave – Cradle of Humankind Abseiling the Wonder Caves isn’t for the faint hearted, it’s an adrenalin rush like no other. The caves are part of the Cradle of Humankind which is a World Heritage Site.
The first stop is usually the Maropeng which is the Cradle of Humankind’s award-winning visiting centre. This area is full of the history on humankind. From the first origins, the role of science, where we are today and where we might be in the next coming years.

The action is at the Wild Cave Adventures which features exciting adventures such as rock climbing, hiking, abseiling and caving. All the caves have different weather patterns. This depends on air temperature, wind, water and barometric pressure. But you can expect dry and comfortable conditions unless you’ve opted for the adventurous route. For beginners the Bat’s Cave is perfect because there’s no experience required.

Crystal Cave – Abseiling You can abseil the roof of the cave where you’ll have to crawl on your hands and knees for a short while. There’s no steep climbing or traverses which makes it ideal.

If you’re a lover or fan of rockface abseiling then the Crystal Cave is the place to be. This is a private cave which unfortunately allows no other sightseeing. This means you’ll be alone during the 34m abseil.

If one of the things on your to-do list was to push boundaries, then The Wonder Cave is definitely worth visiting.

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